Tag: ISSW 2023

Excavation Start Point: More Findings from ISSW 2023

At the recently concluded International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW), a paper presented by an Italian group titled “Dig Close, Dig Fast. A Study on the Consequences of Excavation Start Point Choice in Avalanche Companion Rescue,” explores the efficacy of some well-accepted practices relating to removing snow effectively, accessing a victim, and exposing their airway.

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The Swiss Way: Expanding the Avalanche Danger Scale

Bucking the trend towards simpler is better, the Swiss expand their avalanche danger scale by adding sub-levels.

After five years of internal use and a season of limited public use in 2022-2023, the Swiss Avalanche Warning Service will add sublevels to their avalanche forecast this season. Yes, they are adding complexity, which seems to be bucking the trend. In Europe generally, including Switzerland, forecasters use five discrete levels to define the avalanche danger level.

This season, instead of a straight 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the danger levels will include 1, 2-, 2=, 2+, 3-, 3=, 3+, and 4-.

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