Who owns the uphill and then the downhill? No one. Each to their own. Barry Wicks seeks a more progressive resort uphill ski. Barry Wicks takes us on his journey.


In this episode, with Gavin away guiding in Japan, we’ve got Barry Wicks as our host. Wicks is a die-hard ski tourer who brings supremely positive energy into the hills. He’s also a recovering bike racer who claims he’s sworn off Lycra. Despite his baggy clothes, he’s still fast. And he still knows gear.

Anyhow, Wicks has a playful nature on skis. And we’ve been bantering back and forth for a few months about adopting progressive ski designs for those who uphill at resorts. It sort of makes sense—when there is an uphill, hopefully, there is a downhill. And why not try to make the downhill as enjoyable as possible?



Is this the future of resort uphilling: a lightweight version of the Line Honey Badger?

Is this the future of resort uphilling: a lightweight version of the Line Honey Badger? Seems mighty rowdy.


The metrics on this rowdiness: 172cm, 120-92-116, twin tip and rockered…and coming in close to 2kg per ski. Yes, the weight would have to come down—a lot.

Wicks’ quest to find a rockered twin-tipped ski that is light…isn’t exactly easy. On his journey, Wicks speaks with Max Smith, VP of Reno, Nevada’s Moment Skis. Who knows, maybe a mythical and lightweight 85-underfoot Wildcat Tour is in our future.

If you have specific questions regarding the information (and opinions) presented in the podcast, you can comment on the website or email us on The High Route’s contact page (editor@the-high-route.com).


Max Smith: VP at Moment Skis.

Max Smith: VP at Moment Skis.


Thanks for listening. 

The theme music for The High Route Podcast comes from Storms in the Hill Country and the album The Self Transforming (Thank you, Jens Langsjoen). You can find a link to the album here—there are so many good songs on this album. And if you think you’ve spotted a UFO in the past or visited the 7th dimension, “Beautiful Alien” is a good tune to begin with.