Summit Journal offers two-covers per issue. Shown here, the cover versions for Issue 321 Fall 2024.

Summit Journal offers two-covers per issue. Shown here, the cover versions for Issue 321 Fall 2024.


As we take our own pivot toward print, we go deep to learn a few things from Michael Levy. Levy is the bundle of energy and vision behind Summit Journal—a legacy climbing magazine title with a decidedly modern perspective.


It has been more than a minute since our last episode. Over here at The High Route, there has been a bit of burying our heads in the sand as we focus on sending out our final proofs for our print version of The High Route. In the spirit of print, we have Michael Levy as our guest on the podcast.


Michael Levy: brining Summit Journal back to the mountain community.

Michael Levy: brining Summit Journal back to the mountain community.


Levy is the driving force behind the resurrection of Summit Journal—an esteemed print magazine last printed in 1996. The history of Summit Journal is pretty fascinating, and Levy speaks about that legacy in more detail on The Run Out. If you do not read or subscribe to Summit Journal and enjoy climbing-related stories, we suggest you try it. Levy has combined his keen editor’s sensibilities to produce a large-format magazine that borders on art. No matter how you approach it, Levy’s vision has moved the needle positively regarding print offerings in the adventure scene.

Joining Levy is the regular host and our THR mainstay based in Anchorage, Alaska, Alex Lee. The conversation is part self-serving; we have a ton to learn from folks like Levy as we go into the deep end with our print venture.
Cover from 1967.

Cover from 1967.

May-June cover from 1987.

May-June cover from 1987.

The theme music for The High Route Podcast comes from Storms in the Hill Country and the album The Self Transforming (Thank you, Jens Langsjoen). You can find a link to the album here—there are so many good songs on this album. And if you think you’ve spotted a UFO in the past or visited the 7th dimension, “Beautiful Alien” is a good tune to start with.