Patagonia's Aguja Poincenot (center). The Mini-Whillans, a ski line established last season by Vivian Bruchez, Jules Socié, and Aurélien Lardy, is the obvious ramp in the foreground—running left to right to the glacier below. Noted Polish ski mountaineer Andrzej Bargiel and Jędrek Baranowski completed the 2nd descent earlier in the week. Photo: pawlikowskimedia

Patagonia’s Aguja Poincenot (center). The Mini-Whillans, a ski line established last season by Vivian Bruchez, Jules Socié, and Aurélien Lardy, is the obvious ramp in the foreground—running left to right to the glacier below. Noted Polish ski mountaineer Andrzej Bargiel and Jędrek Baranowski completed the 2nd descent earlier in the week. Photo: pawlikowskimedia


Friday brings us to a more low-key, image-heavy post coming from Patagonia. Early last week, noted Polish ski-mountaineer Andrzej Bargiel and partner Jędrek Baranowski repeated the Mini-Whillans.


Last September, we reported on the big and bold ski descents by Vivian Bruchez, Jules Socié, and Aurélien Lardy in the Chaltan Massif. You can read more about those events here. After repeating the Whillans-Cochrane route on Aguja Poincenot, first skied by Andreas Fransson in 2012, the three Frenchmen opened up the Mini-Whillans descent.

Bargiel had this to say regarding the Mini-Whillans repeat.

“Together with the entire team, we reached the vicinity of Paso Superior, where we set up camp with a view of our target descent line. The approach to “Mini Whillans” led through a glacier that brought us directly to the descent line. “Mini Whillans” is a distinctive route with a highly exposed wall stretching several hundred meters, offering an impressive view of Aguja Poincenot and Fitz Roy in the background. The first part of the descent is a very steep, exposed traverse, leading to a break where the more skiable section of the descent begins. Congratulations to Vivian Bruchez, Aurelien Lardy, and Jules Socié for establishing this line!”

Baranowski added, “A beautiful line in a magical place with Fitz Roy in the background. The first part is a very steep, exposed traverse leading to a breakpoint where the descent becomes more enjoyable and ski-friendly.”

Bargiel has numerous first descents to his name, including a 2108 ski descent of K2.


Ascending through the glacier below—towards the Mini-Whillans. Photo: pawlikowskimedia

Ascending through the glacier below—towards the Mini-Whillans. Photo: pawlikowskimedia


Headcam view: a roll over and cliff to the right, the proper skiing on the Mini-Whillans to skiers left. Image: pawlikowskimedia

Headcam view: a roll over and cliff to the right, the proper skiing on the Mini-Whillans to skiers left. Image: pawlikowskimedia


A bit lower down the line, and the turns look deceivingly kind. Image: pawlikowskimedia

A bit lower down the line, and the turns look deceivingly kind. Image: pawlikowskimedia


Be inspired. Be safe and enjoy the weekend.


Ski tracks mark the landscape: The Mini-Whillans features an expose line in a mighty position. Photo: pawlikowskimedia.

Ski tracks mark the landscape: The Mini-Whillans features an expose line in a mighty position. Photo: pawlikowskimedia.