Tag: critical burial

Suffocation or Survival: A Crucial Factor in Avalanche Burials

When an avalanche victim is critically buried, the presence or absence of snow blocking their nose and mouth has grave implications for survival and for the viability of avalanche safety technologies that prolong survival under the snow. New research examines A new study from the Eurac research group attempts to answer the question: How often is the airway of the critically buried avalanche victim blocked?

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We Need More: Avalanche Rescue Education isn’t Enough.

You’ve put in the time to take an avalanche rescue course, maybe two. You practice each year with your beacon, and the dutiful among you might even attend your annual Snow and Avalanche Workshop to continue to learn all that you can about how to avoid an avalanche. Then, one day, you find yourself in the terrible position of digging out your buried partner. You succeed in pulling them to the surface, but they’re not moving or breathing. Have you trained for this?

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