THR Podcast EP 7: Moving Through the Mountains with Sophia Schwartz

Many folks make up the backcountry community. Sliding skis or a splitboard uphill takes some discomfort tolerance (until you feel sufficiently fit) and a commitment to the unknown, even in small doses. Throw other people into the mix, and the recipe for joy, disaster, and all the combos in between are possibilities. When we came across Sophia Schwartz’s talk at this year’s Wyoming Snow and Avalanche Workshop (WYSAW) and gave it a view, things resonated. The title of her talk, Meaning in the Mountains: Using Purpose to Guide Risk and Decision Making in the Backcountry, is spot on considering what you’ll hear about.

Coming into all things with an open mind is a solid tenant. While listening to Schwartz and her take on backcountry skiing, partnership, hardship, transitioning from a mogul/freestyle career into remote mountain questing, and her affinity for finding joy, we knew we wanted to connect with her on The High Route Podcast

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