In this episode of THR Podcast, we begin to wrap up the season that was and still is with writer and SLC denizen Pete Vordenberg.
Here are a few notes to get this podcast rolling. We hope you are reading this.
1) There is some foul language in this podcast. F-bombs abound, in particular, after ~the 45:00 minute mark.
2) Trigger warning: We discuss roadkill and the merits of roadkill burritos.
3) The episode is broken into two parts: set 1 and set 2. The first “set” was recorded in late March after a fine day of Sunday skiing in the Wasatch. We recorded the second “set” roughly a month later. The main reason for “set” 2 is to discuss our interaction with another group the following Monday. We set the scene in the pod, but here is the gist: a low-traffic day in a zone with plenty of fresh snow and low-hazard terrain. The one party we encountered up high was less than excited to see us. We break down the brief interaction.
4) Pete Vordenberg is the guest. Pete, or Peter, is a frequent contributor to The High Route. We love having him on board. Our most widely read piece on the site is a story he penned titled “Skiing: A Review.” If you haven’t read it, please read it. It’s a highlight.

This folks is a photo of Vordenberg’s better half. Winter is good. The smile is great. Photo: Pete Vordenberg
Vordenberg has a unique perspective on the backcountry scene. For years, he chased the Olympic dream with what we consider success. He made the Olympics as a cross-country skier. He became the head coach of the U.S. Cross Country Ski Team. Yet, for those who know him, Vordenberg seems most at home and peace, far away from the Lycra, deep in the Wasatch, seeking fine turns—which he has been doing for many decades.
Thanks for reading and listening. And again, the F-bombs spill forth in the later part of the episode. We’ll work on cleaning up the potty language next season.
The theme music for The High Route Podcast comes from Storms in the Hill Country and the album The Self Transforming (Thank you, Jens Langsjoen). You can find a link to the album here—there are so many good songs on this album. And if you think you’ve spotted a UFO in the past or visited the 7th dimension, “Beautiful Alien” is a good tune to start with.