Some news is distressing to write. Such as this.
American alpinist Michael Gardner fell to his death on Jannu East in Nepal.
He and his longtime partner Sam Hennessey were a tight-knit super team, bringing their brilliant alpine vision into technical Himalayan terrain.
The details of the accident will be forthcoming. We know Hennessey and Gardner were high on Jannu East’s north face, where they secured a portaledge to rest and then continue upward. Gardner fell from this location.
Hennessey was able to begin rappelling down the face and eventually connect with a nearby French team. Hennessey descended to the face’s base with the Frenchmen. Gardner’s body has not been recovered.
Gardner is a huge inspiration for us here at The High Route. We could go on and on, and we will when the time is right, but few humans seem to harness the proverbial lightning in a bottle. Gardner harnessed plenty of it from his super-sized bottle, leaving behind a legacy that will continue to inspire.
Audacious. Visionary. The embodiment of the fast and light—often with skis on his back or under his feet.

Michael Gardner (left) and Sam Hennessey (right)—booting up: Cassin ridge. Video Screengrab: Adam Fabrikant
Devastating. Awful news.