Tag: SWE

Soon-to be End of November SWE: An Update

For some in North America, November has been bliss; for others, that wait continues. Not unlike other years, at least considering its early season, there are haves and have-nots. In other words, you may be over-tractioned if you are running studs or even Blizzaks. While it’s too early to predict general trends regarding what December and January have in store, the SWE maps show a striking contrast.

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April SWE—Trends Towards SWEET

The inexorable shift in seasons is upon us. For snow sliders, spring is no fool’s gold. More predictable snowpacks, the ability to travel on fast refreeze in the early hours and top out, with perfect timing, for a multi-thousand foot descent of corn snow make spring, perhaps, the best time of year for making turns. Thus, it is time for a SWE update. 

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