Author: Dave Riggs

The PdG Part 3: A Middling Team’s Experience and More

Simply put, the PdG is accessible to a much broader range of participants than die hard skimo racers who practice double skin rip transitions. Yes, less experience will mean a more concerted and consistent effort is needed to prepare. But as usual, the right attitude is keycan make up for a lot. The following recap of Team Tahoe Skimo’s experience in the 2022 PdG is that of a team that, in hindsight, seems pretty representative of the average.

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The PdG, Part 2—Entry, Logistics, Gear, Etc.

Here are the basics on getting into and preparing for the PdG. We’ll cover sign-up, logistics, gear, and touch on training. There’s a lot here, but it’s more detailed than complicated. 

The 2024 PdG will take place April 15-21, 2024. The deadline to sign up for the 2024 race is September 30, 2023. Navigating the process takes a little time, so don’t dally. It’s as detailed as one would expect from the Swiss. What follows is primarily based on my experience with the 2022 race.

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