Author: Gavin Hess

Farewell to Velcro

In my role as a pack maker, I said farewell to velcro years ago—velcro was cool technology in the 50s and 60s, but in 2024, I’m over it. My aversion to velcro started during my days as an XC skier, where pole straps and skate boots all used velcro and inevitably the velcro wore out before the rest of the strap/boot. Some of my early sewing explorations were replacing the velcro “loop” on my XC pole straps. All this goes to say, I’ve been building disdain for Velcro for 10+ years at this point. 

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First Look: Heritage Labs BC110

The Heritage Labs BC110 delivers a lightweight build to a progressive ski with reverse camber. An excellent pairing for lightweight, high ROM boots, the BC110 is making a strong bid for my favorite soft snow daily driver.

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Rappelling on Skinny Ropes Part 2—Tethers and Third Hands

Continuing our dissection of ski mountaineering rappel systems, we are explore various options for rappel extensions/tethers and third hands. There is significant overlap here with standard rock climbing gear and techniques, but our needs as skiers, especially skiers with skinny ropes, are a bit different. 

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