Author: Jason Albert

Select Peaks of Greater Yellowstone—A Mountaineering History and Guide: A Review

Guides to the backcountry run the gamut in terms of quality, thoroughness, too little beta, too much beta, no history (as in literally just photos and photoshopped lines and arrows), too much history, and general shoddiness. A good guidebook goes back to the old saying, “you know it when you see it,” or in this case, see it and read it.

Tom Turiano updates his 2003 bible, Select Peaks of Greater Yellowstone—A Mountaineering History & Guide: The revised and expanded edition is gold. 

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Enroll in The Snow Pool

Simon Fraser University and the Colorado Avalanche Information system have a collaborative research project to build “a community of backcountry users called The Snow Pool to provide feedback about how [they] share avalanche safety information.”

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An Isothermal Buzzkill

The prefix “iso” means equal or the same. We often refer to an isothermal snowpack in snow science and the backcountry enthusiast’s lexicon. You guessed it, an isothermal snowpack is a snowpack with an equal, or uniform, temperature throughout. And on a lengthy ski traverse isothermal snow can be a buzzkill.

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