Category: Featured

A Welcome Letter from The High Route

Welcome to The High Route.

We’re guessing you found us because you thrive on moving through the mountains, especially under your own power, on skis or boards.

We wanted something different at The High Route—a place where we get granular about celebrating skinning, the climbing, and the turn making without a whole lot of extraneous noise. Or extraneous influence.

Our focus is narrow and we are sticking to it. As a site funded by the backcountry community, we understand who we are writing for. The folks behind The High Route are part of this community. 

Risk is an interesting calculus. It carries a particular allure, but it’s also unnerving. We’re taking a risk and we’re hoping you help us nail the landing.

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Revisiting Snow Fall

Every few years, I revisit a journalistic and interactive multimedia masterpiece, Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek, by John Branch. Branch, a sports writer for the NYT, has come to trade access to relatively high-profile outdoor athletes for what is a boon for readers; great prose and great insight. Published in 2012, more than a decade on, the piece resonates on many levels.

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The Bearable Lightness of Skiing 

The mantra of light and fast has a chicken and egg problem of sorts. To be fast, light gear helps the cause. Sometimes, though, it’s ok to sacrifice speed (meaning you might be less fast) if you’re concerned with sweet turns. Heavier and slower may make you smile more.

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